The Ultimate Formula to Crack Exam Fear : Do’s and Don’ts
Giving an exam is termed as very stressful according to the youth. This happens especially when you are not prepared or not so confident to appear further. Many of the youths de-activate their social media accounts, delete games and distance themselves from all sorts of gatherings. Well, there are some tips which one can master to effectively tackle exam pressure. Of Course exam is not responsible for giving us worry but we ourselves are, as we tend not to come out of our comfort zone and study hard. Master Tips from Experts It is recomm e nded to not to follow the instructions of mine unless your are comfortable with them too. In this view, everyone has different way of studying into the exam time. Here are my solutions and these are giving me a positive result so far. 1. Being Happy Minded during the whole exam period Let your worries go! Generally I tend to forget the tedious tasks before a week to ensure my mind is clear form the clutter of things. This may include to ignore (a lit...