Does others' Opinions Matter?
"Ah!! There you are again."
What do you make up of this tone, the user is annoyed to welcome you. But this is not the same case with me, as I am here to welcome fellow readers and let us talk (blog) on a very general topic. A topic which most of the people in the world face. It is none other than "What will others say??"
A Harsh Reality Check:
Let me emphasize a thing. I have been with multiple people, of course, each with a different personality. We have to live life with the person accordingly after analyzing or should I say "reading" his/her mind. Let me discuss a few examples of people.
1) A person who has strong opinions
Some people I met had a very strong opinion about a particular thing. The fact that it is so strong that they never admit its shortcomings. We must have observed this kind of person everywhere; in fact in each of our friend circles.
Such kinds of person never change their opinion. They don't tend to think about their group's opinion. They stand strong on their views. No matter what others think, I believe this and IT IS LIKE THIS!! END OF THE STORY!!
What ends up happening is this person I believe is kind of strong which everyone should be. Usually, a group of like-minded individuals often force an unlike-minded person to change views in most cases (You might have to play according to the situation in most of the cases) and they also succeed in their attempt. But a stubborn and strong person is no match; for at least I believe.
For such kind of person, he/she sometimes gets harsh criticisms behind the back. These are like, he/she is stupid or living in some kind of old dinosaur era, etc. Some might even label that person as the one disturbing the tone of the group but it does not matter as people in today's world (mostly) talk bad things behind their backs only.
2) A person who does not care
Some people I met do not even have their opinions. There might be something in their mind but they don't express anything within the group. People often talk about this kind of person as the careless fellow or the one who is self-centered etc. The only thing that is good here is, as the person does not care about what others say behind the back, he/she is not affected by the criticisms around.
This kind of person might have fewer friends but does not need anyone to rely upon things in and around. As lone rangers they might conquer the highest heights, though people will always talk about his/her self-centered behaviors ALWAYS!!
3) A person who is too good
Nobody is 100% perfect. Even if someone is 99.9 % perfect, people will tend to take out that 0.01 % and may try to broadcast these to others.
Why am I mentioning the types of people anyway!!
I know you might have been thinking the same. Well, the reason is, each and every person we are on this planet Earth is different in their own aspects. Some are smart, dumb, angry birds, calm, stubborn, good, bad, and so on. No matter how you are, people will always talk bad about you.
So the question from up above. Does others' opinion really matter?
The simple answer is:- No
Then how do you counter this thing?
I would just advise you to just be yourself. One must prepare himself/herself mentally so that people will ALWAYS talk bad about you, no matter how many good things you had done for them previously. So just BE YOURSELF, and don't change yourself based on other's opinions.
Also, this blog is also my Opinion 😁. If you to these generalized opinions, well we will surely have a long discussion on life one day 😀
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